Time Series - Updates

The task here is to update an existing time series with more data. Particularly for the use case when at the beginning of a month the data of the previous month are available.

The particular problem here is the computational effort when the aggregated data have to be re-computed from the raw data. Example: You just want to increase the size of the points in the chart, but for each re-run of the program, hundred of thousands of data have to be re-computed.

The solution below uses two files with aggregated data:


Time series with a 'profit' computed from artificial raw data. Past data (green) and updated data (red).

Some details about the example used here

The (artificial) account data in the Time Series Starter Example are used to compute an artificial ‘profit’. This computation is done using a ‘recipe’. This recipe is in the simple case time-independent, but it could also be different for any month.

The raw data are only available as “one file per month”. Each file contains the data of 3 accounts. The task for each month is to compute the profit using a simple equation, which shall be called here a ‘recipe’. Such a recipe could be much more complex, e.g. using different weight factors or considering a varying sub-set of these accounts.


The number of files to be handled might give you a better idea of problem.

Certainly, in this artificial example, we have all data at our fingertips. However, let’s assume for a moment that we had so far only the data of 2022, but suddenly got the data for the first months of 2023.

Solution idea and some details

First of all, it should be noted that there are many solutions. Only one solution is detailed out here. It might help to think about more appropriate alternatives for specific use cases.

Create file with aggregated, monthly data

The solution starts with trying to find a file the the aggregated data for the specified months.

In this case, the model shall include all files of 2022. As the date is a unique part of the file name, it suffices to specify this year.

filestem = "Profit"
specList = ["2022"]
df = tsUpdate.getDFFromFile(fullpathAggr, fullpathOrg, filestem, specList, para)

For reuse, the functions are outsourced to a separate file that is imported here using the alias ‘tsUpdate’. The parameters include:

Re-use of an existing aggregation

Next you need to check, if the required dataframe is available, i.e. not empty. If it is empty, you need to create the new file with aggregated data.

filename = createFilename(filestem, specList)
dfL = readsave.readFindDF(fullpathAggr, filename, para)
if dfL.empty:
    fileList = getSpecificFilesFromPath(specList, fullPathOrg, para)
    dfL = getDataFromFiles(fullPathOrg, fileList, para)
    dfL = applyRecipe(dfL, para)
    fullname = readsave.saveCreateFolder(dfL, fullpathAggr, filename, para)
return dfL

All tools to create that file with aggregated data were already introduced here.

Doing the Update

For the update, all that is left to do is to call this function again, but with the specification for the update.

specList = ["2023-01", "2023-02", "2023-03"]
dfT = tsUpdate.getDFFromFile(fullpathAggr, fullpathOrg, filestem, specList, para)

The chart can of course be created in various ways. Here a second point chart using the second dataframe, i.e. dfT, was created and combined with the first chart.

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