Julia Dataframes - Columns

Here are the same basic functions as for Python:

Address Columns

Get the existing column names

columnNames = names(df)

Address an existing column with its name without copying, see DataFrames and !

df[!, :col1], df.col1

Address an existing column with copying,

df[:, :col1]

In Julia, you can select all columns of a specific type.

dfText = df[!, names(df, String)]
dfFloats = df[!, names(df, Float64)]

Such a selection can substitute for the missing index features in Python, i.e. before applying an operation that is not possible for Strings, you can first de-select all columns holding Strings.

Basic Arithmetics

Often, you cannot apply an operation on the complete dataframe, but only a set of selected rows. Alternatively, you can create a new dataframe with the specified columns and merge the result back later.

Multiplying with a scalar

For scalars, just use the normal symbols:

df.Acceleration = df.Acceleration / 17    
df[:, "Acceleration"] = df[:,"Acceleration"] / 17   

Select a subset of columns and apply an operation on it.

selectedColumns = ["colname1", "colname2"]
df[selectedColumns] = df[:,selectedColumns] * 100.0        

Converting a type

Often used, round floats or convert floats to integers

df[:,:Acceleration ] = convert.(Int,round.(df.Acceleration,digits=0))

Mind (once more) the broadcasting operator (.) . This is conversion is a bit more tricky in Julia, because Julia demands to decide how to handle the “0.5” case. Hence, first the float must be rounded, for instance, and then converted to integer.

Multiply a column with a column to get an additional column

Particularly, multiplying two columns to yield a third one in the same dataframe.

df2[!,:C] = df2[!,:A] .+ df2[!,:B]
df2[!,:C] = df2[!,:A] .* df2[!,:B]

The result here is an additional column with column name C that is the row-wise product of columns A and B.

Such column-with-column-multiplications have a lot of practical use cases.

Multiply two columns to get an array

df3 = df2.A .* df2.B 

The result here is a 1x2 array.

Such a multiplication might be rather rare in practice. It is listed here to clarify confusion, if you in fact intended to do a column by column multiplication to get a third column.


Rename specific single columns,

df = rename(df, Dict(:Origin => "Country"))

Rename all columns, by specifying a list of unique values

newColnames = [:col1, :col2, :col3, :col4, :col5, :col6, :col7, :col8, :col9]

A step in beautification is to convert all column names to a similar format, e.g. to start with a capital letter.

All column names capitalized or in upper case

df = rename(uppercase, df)
df = rename(uppercasefirst, df)    


Use the of existing column names to re-order the columns, by specifying a new, complete sequence

reorderedCols = [:col9, :col8, :col3, :col4, :col5, :col6, :col7, :col2, :col1]
df = df[1,reorderedCols]

You can reverse the sequence of the columns as follows

df = df[:,reverse(names(df))]


Insert ( =add ) a column at the end

Specify a unique name in square brackets and quotes.

df[!,:D] .= 17

You can use existing columns to create new ones, including more complex computations

df[!,:E] = 7 * df.A + df.D

Alternatively, a function can be used. Here, the new column Y is the sum of columns A and B.

df = transform(df, [:A, :B] => (+) => :Y)

Insert a new column at specific position

For columns that should go to a specific position, you can directly insert a new column at a position.

arr = [1,1,1]
insertcols!(df, 2, :I => arr)

This is more efficient than to append at the end and then re-order the columns.

Special case

Append a column with the sum or the mean of all columns (that are not in the index)

df[!,:Sum] = sum(eachcol(df))
df[!,:Mean] = mean(eachcol(df))


Replace all values in a columns

Often, you just want to replace one value in a given column by another value

df.A = replace(df[!,:A], 2 => 33)

Modify column B based on values in column A

Sometimes, you want to modify a value in a specific column depending on the value in another column. For instance, if the value in column C equals 1, you want the respective value in column A to equal 17.

df[!,:A][df[!,:C] .== 1] .= 17

Here, all values in column C are set to 18, if column B has value 1.

df[df.B .== 1,:C] .= 18

Create a new column B based on values in column A

I have not found a Julia solution so far. All found solutions first create a column and then change it.


Delete columns with the select command combined with Not

dropCols = [:B, :C] 
df = select!(df, Not(dropCols))

Mind the alternative to continue to work on the relevant subset of columns instead of deleting the obsolete columns. For, instance, if you just want to keep the columns D and E.

df = df[:, [:D, :E]]
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