println("Hello Julia")
In Julia, Strings are denoted by double quotation marks (“text”)
language = "Julia" println("Hello, ", language)
Strings are immutable. Hence, this does not work:
language[1] = "C"
Common workaround for immutable Strings: New string composed of parts of old string
In Julia, “String concatenation is done with * in Julia, not + like in Python.” (
stringConcat = "Language: " * language[1:end] println(stringConcat)
Implicit type definition by representative + Type conversion
n = 5 x = 7.7 y = n * x myInt = convert(Int64, round(y, digits=0)) println(myInt) println(typeof(language), typeof(n), typeof(y), typeof(myInt))
Julia starts with 1 Python needs indent, Julia needs an ‘end’
for i in 1:4 if i > 1 println("Stop") break end println("Hello, Number $i") end
In Julia, you define a function as a function
function addOne(x) return x + 1 end println(addOne(5)) # 6